8 Early Signs That You Are Pregnant

8 Early Signs That You Are Pregnant

It is not quite that time of the month, yet your body is telling you something is not right. Luckily, identifying signs of pregnancy early on is simple, and a few signs are major indications that a pregnancy test is on the horizon.
Metallic Taste in Mouth
Metallic Taste in Mouth

This early sign of pregnancy isn’t as well known as some of the others, but it does happen to some women.
Spotting and Cramping
Spotting and Cramping

Pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterus. This can can cause cramping and spotting. Many women attribute these symptoms to the onset of their period since that, too, often brings about cramping and spotting. Bleeding that continues, however, requires a trip to the doctor.
Mood Swings
Mood Swings

Hormonal fluctuations go hand in hand with mood swings, and since pregnancy causes a large amount of hormonal changes, pregnant women may experience emotional ups and downs early on. Fatigue and hunger can intensify the emotions, which makes the mood swings even worse. Fortunately, the emotions seem to even out after the first trimester ends.
Frequent Urination Getty Images
Frequent Urination

Frequent urination is a common early sign of pregnancy, so if you find yourself getting up several times throughout the night to hit the bathroom, it might be time to take a pregnancy test. As the uterus grows during pregnancy, it puts pressure on the kidneys, which increases those trips to the bathroom.

Feeling dizzy during early pregnancy is common since the body is undergoing so many different things. Some women feel light-headed constantly due to the major hormonal changes taking place. It can also indicate low blood pressure or low blood sugar, so if the dizziness continues, contact your doctor.
Can’t Handle the Smell of Certain Foods
Can’t Handle the Smell of Certain Foods

If you find yourself suddenly disgusted with the smell of your favorite foods, this may indicate that you are pregnant. Your sense of smell heightens greatly during pregnancy, as all of the senses change. This means not only does smell change, so does taste, which makes some foods unappealing to you.
Nausea and Vomiting
Nausea and Vomiting

As the body starts undergoing major changes, nausea and vomiting can occur. This is especially true during the morning hours or when a woman is subjected to certain smells. If you find yourself nauseous or vomiting daily, it is time to see a doctor. While this sign is one of the worst during pregnancy, it typically passes after the first trimester.

Pregnancy takes a toll on the body, and some women find themselves needing to nap throughout the day. Pregnancy increases the body’s production of progesterone, which causes fatigue. Luckily, this early sign of pregnancy is most common in the first trimester.
Tender Breasts Getty Images
Tender Breasts

One of the biggest early signs of pregnancy is tender and swollen breasts. As the body produces more progesterone during pregnancy, it causes the breasts to swell and ache. Some women notice early on that the areas surrounding the nipple turn darker in color.

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