A Dubai Marketing Firm that Gives Back & Supports Social Enterprises, B-Corporations

A Dubai Marketing Firm that Gives Back & Supports Social Enterprises, B-Corporations
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vP_y3VeZiU?rel=0&w=480&h=320]

When a strategic marketing firm changes its old habits, revised its business models and re-focus its purpose to humanity, it can create a ripple effect to its industry peers, clients, suppliers and its own family members. Can a marketing agency create social change? In The Philippines, we gathered 1200 children and invested on their education. Because we believe that social impact has a lifetime effect when you give them the opportunity to succeed. We’re changing the culture of the marketing & advertising industry. We’re giving back to the community; taking care of the environment; supporting public schools; helping underprivileged but deserving students; renovating classrooms; building schools; assisting public school teachers; and sponsoring a child’s education. We’re a marketing agency that promotes social good and investing our profits to social causes. We’re initiating social change. Now, that is impact investing, and this is how we do marketing. Follow our story www.LincolnMartin.com

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