Acne Remedy Tips


No one likes to have acne. It’s just one of those annoying things that many of us have to put up with one time or anther throughout life. For those of you who are going through it, there is some hope. Most of the time, acne will start appearing during our teenage years. This is when the severity will normally be at its worse. As we grow older though, they will tend to go away on there own. So although you have to put up with it for now, at least there is some light at the other end of the tunnel. So what do you do for now to help get rid of the acne that is on your face? This article will give you some acne remedy tips in order to help you remove those pimples a bit faster. Keep in mind that these tips may or may not work for you since it will depend on your skin and your condition.

The first thing you may want to try is mixing baking soda with a bit of water. You want to create a semi-thick paste and apply that to your pimple. What this will do is cause your pimple to dry out. This will help speed up the process of acne removal. You only have to apply a thin layer and you’ll also want to keep it on for about an hour. The first time you do this, you may want to just try it on a one or two of your pimples and see if it works before using it all over your face. Leaving this stuff on your entire face for an hour can be quite annoying.

The next acne remedy tip you may want to try is to use wipe some saliva on your pimples when you first wake up in the morning. This may sound gross, and it sort of is, but many people have said to have pretty good results using this method. The bacteria in your mouth supposedly fights off the acne. Again, you may only want to try this on a couple of your pimples instead of your whole face.

The last tip is to apply a thin layer of benzoyl peroxide on your skin in the morning. What this will do is not only help fight your acne, but it will also help keep dirt from contacting directly onto your skin. At the end of the day, just wash it off your face. Hopefully one of these acne remedy tips will help you out.

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