Blast Your Lower Stomach With These Killer Ab Exercises!


Do you ever find yourself skipping around some exercises for love handles and the lower stomach? Maybe it is because they just seem so hard. It could be that you find the exercise itself is rather difficult or maybe it is even painful. Needless to say that without isolating the muscles of your lower stomach you will not be performing at your peek. There are exercises for your abdominal muscles that are not as hard to do and will isolate them perfectly.

Controlled Sit-Up

This exercise for love handles is done lying on the floor. While keeping your feet on the floor bend your knees. Place your hands behind your head with your elbows straight out. Make sure you do not put them beside your head so that you do not pull on your neck. Slowly lift your shoulders from the floor using your abdominal muscles. Once up you should hold it for roughly ten seconds. If this is easy then hold it for a longer period. Make sure your movements are slow and controlled as you rise up, hold and then ease your shoulders back to the floor.

Hip Tilt

This exercise for love handles is the next best progression from the controlled sit-up. You basically start from the same position. While lying on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat take note; there is a space between the floor and your lower back. It is the natural spinal curvature that creates this space. Using the hip tilt you will attempt to get rid of this space. This exercise should only use your abdominal muscles rather than your legs. The reason it is called the hip tilt is because there is a natural tilting of the hips when you properly engage your lower abdominal muscles to do the work. You will hold this position for ten seconds once your back is flat. If you really want to build on this exercise for love handles you should make sure to increase the length of time you hold this position. It is this that will help you blast your lower abs into shape.

Toe Touch Switch-up

The last but not the least of these exercises for love handles is the toe touch switch-up. This exercise is also a natural progression of the other two in that it is done from the floor as well. This time as you lie on the floor raise your feet straight into the air. Now contract your lower abs and stretch your left arm from the floor while lifting your shoulders. Reach up and try to touch your right toes with your left hand. Now lower yourself back to the floor. You will then switch to the right hand grabbing for the left toes. You should try to keep your legs unbent and knees straight. Also, it is important to keep a space between your chest and chin.

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