Divorce Settlement

Divorce Settlement

http://www.nolodivorce.com Ed Sherman of NoloDivorce discusses Divorce Settlement and Divorce Agreement.

As you can see in this illustration, when a divorce is uncontested, that is, when there is no legal opposition in court, so no contest, all you need to get your judgment is some paperwork and red tape. This doesn’t have to take long or cost much. This is the easiest and least-expensive way to get a divorce.

If your Ex is on the scene and cares about the terms of your divorce, your case will become uncontested if you two can work out a written agreement on all legal issues—that is, money, property and children. This is usually called a Settlement Agreement.

It is very rare to find a case where the reason for disagreement is legal. The reason for disagreement is almost always personal — a matter of high emotions, poor communications, painful history, and so on, Now, the law has no solutions that will help solve personal disagreements, so you won’t get much help in court. In fact, trying to solve divorce problems in court is a sure way to greatly increase the conflict in your life and the emotional pain, and a huge increase in the cost of your divorce. It is very important to solve your problems out of court, which means negotiation or mediation that lead to a written settlement agreement.

My book, Make Any Divorce Better, shows you how to talk to each other in a way that will reduce conflict, solve problems, and lay the groundwork for a successful negotiation or mediation. It tells you how to find and use a good mediator.

DealMaker Settlement Agreement Software will be a very big help as you go about working out your agreement. It works like a checklist, making sure that you’ve thought of everything. All you have to do is enter your information and make decisions when requested, and DealMaker will print out a high-quality settlement agreement ready to sign.

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