Female Health And Fitness Guidance, Mutilation, Circumcision

.tags Women are one of the major and as well as the important part of the society. But from the first stage of the beginning of the society, they are just neglected by the community. And the female health issues are also violating by the society. All these social violence forced women also overlook their mental and physical health. But from the last decades, the thought becomes quite different. The female health becomes one of the major issues to concern. Female health is not only important for the women community only; the discussion has same value for the other parts of the society also. A healthy society and future depends on the healthy female community. As the women carry another life in her body part, so the female body health is the much important issue of discussion.

Women diseases are naturally relates with their reproductory system. If we are not take care of the female nutrition, the illness and diseases can be attacks, are; calcium less, anemia, arthritis, breast cancer, cervical cancer and many other disease. The disease and illness starts in a major way only after the menopause. Healthy life depends on to take nutritious food item. Healthy life depends on healthy life style. If you are a female, and want to know about the healthy life style, we will guide you. In this page you can find out the various types of disease, and its treatment and also the precautions.

An appropriate diet chart requires, proper amount of minerals, vitamin, and carbohydrate. To get a healthy life, you have to take two or three types of seasonal fruits, three or four type of green vegetable, milk; or milk products, egg, fish and chicken products. Taking proper foods are not enough; you have to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol and also have to maintain a healthy life style.

Todays women are not only takes breath into the boundary wall of the home; she has to take pressure in the work front too. And at present era, she has more duty and responsibility than the past. Because of all these, women are now avoiding pregnancy in the early stage of their carrier. And delay pregnancy also gives birth of the few more disease in their life, and creating the chance of breast cancer and also the cervical cancer in a rapid way.

Lack of the proper female genital health or the lack of the knowledge, of the health, rural women are facing lots of problem in their life. In India, where the maximum population of the country is living in the rural villages of the country, the health care facilities are still under construction for them. Although the women health care is now a much talking subject, but there has enormous things to change regarding the female health care system.

Female health care defines not only the physical health, but also it indicates the female mental health also. Mentally the women of the country now are facing lots of pressure including social violence to the domestic violence. To get relief from all these violence, we have to support the women of the country and have to nourish the societys mentality.

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