Health Remedies For Bedwetting


Among small children, a common problem is of bedwetting. This is because children suffer from urinary disorders while they are sleeping and therefore, they urinate. Children are not informed of this action and they cannot control their urine.

Another name for bedwetting is Enuresis and it places the children and their parents in awkward position. Usually the sleep of the baby is disturbed and he wakes up because his bed sheet and clothes are all wet. When the children are told of their habit of making bed wet, they are thoroughly embarrassed.

Tips for bedwetting home remedies

One of the good home remedies for bedwetting is to give the child six to eight ounces of juice of cranberry, at least one hour before he hits the bed.

Bedwetting home remedies include the use of pulsatilla, ursi, lycopodium and causticum-these are herbs and help prevent bedwetting.

One of the effective home remedies for bedwetting includes using walnut and raisins. Two teaspoons of walnuts and one teaspoon of raisin when give to the child before going to bed will stop bedwetting.

Using St John Wort’s oil to massage the inner most thigh of the baby can also help prevent bedwetting. This is one of the useful home remedies for bedwetting.

The kid should be trained for controlling urine by the parents.

If the kid is a little grown up then you can teach him to retain the urine in bladder for some time during the day. At first, the postponing should only be for a few minutes and then the duration should be increased. This exercise will be of much help to the kid in helping him retain the urine and this way the elasticity of the urinary bladder will also increase.

Before you put your child to sleep, one of the reliable home remedies for bedwetting that you can do is make him drink herbal tea. The herbal tea should be made of bearberry, oak bark, worm wood and the horse tail herbs.

Before the child hits the bed, parents should ensure that he has not consumed plenty of water or any other liquids otherwise the chances of bedwetting will increase.

One of the effective home remedies for bedwetting involves the use of bedwetting alarms. These alarms can not only control but permanently cure this bad habit. When the urinary bladder of the child is full, the bedwetting alarm will make a sound. The sound will wake the child up and he would rush to the toilet instead of emptying the bladder on the bed. Bedwetting alarms are found to be useful in training the children to leave the habit of bedwetting. Once the alarms are put into practice, it will take about sixty days for the child to quit the habit of bedwetting permanently. Do not worry of the child do not show any progress during the initial days. Gradually, the child will learn to respond timely to the bedwetting alarm. The only drawback with the alarm is that the sound is way too loud and along with the kid, other members of the family also get disturbed during their sleep.

Bedwetting is the most common problem in kids below the age of five. But it is not necessary, as there are some examples where even a ten-year-old kid has the problem of bedwetting. For some it is a genetically inherited thing and for some there is no valid reason. The urine holds capacity of the kidneys of the kids is not developed fully in such young age. Due to this they find it difficult to hold their urine for longer time.

Many times kids see some dreams that make them scared due to which they urinate in their bed. You should watch your kid’s bedwetting patterns carefully so as to know the exact cause of bedwetting.

Home Remedies For Bedwetting:

There are things that you can do at hoe so as to remove the bedwetting habit of your child. You will need to be patient, as some of these remedies will take longer duration to correct the bedwetting habits of your child. Here is the list of home remedies for bedwetting .

Take your kid in the bathroom before taking them to bed. Just throw water on their legs and they will urinate. This way you will be sure that their urinary bladder is empty when they are going to bed.

Make your kids drink less water before three to four hours of going to bed. During daytime give them enough water, so that their bladder knows the correct way of functioning.

Avoid giving soft drinks and tea to your children. As these things will make them go to urinate more often than needed.

Once you know that your kid is regular in wetting the bed, then make it a daily routine to take your kid to bathroom once again in the night.

There is no need to scold your child if they wet their bed. But don’t forget to praise them when they don’t make their bed wet. This is one of the very effective of the home remedies for bedwetting .

During winter season take care to put your child enough arm clothes so that they remain warm and urinate less.

For kids of younger age group putting a diaper will solve the problem of bedwetting. Remember bedwetting is the temporary thing and it will automatically vanish with time.

Sometimes the reason behind bedwetting can be serious too. Hence it is better to consult your doctor and take his help.

Kids too get stress and it may be also one of the reasons behind they making their bed wet. For this reason try to figure out why your kid is looking sad. Try to give kids your love and support to learn basic lessons of life.

In case you are more worried about your mattress getting dirty, then you can use some waterproof cover over the mattress and protect it from getting dirty.

Kids sometime fear the dark and avoid going to the bathroom. For this reason make sure that you keep the nightlight on in your kid’s room.

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