Making a Deep-fried Cheesecake



This article will be of great interest to you in case you like desserts very much. It will offer a great recipe on how to deep-fry one of the greatest desserts, cheesecake. The first thing is to ensure you have all the key ingredients in place beginning with the cake itself. Other things to require include roll wrappers, an egg, a cup of milk, pure vegetable oil as well as sugar. For the cake, you can buy one from a bakery or even make one on your own which will be very cheap. Once you have it, cut the cake into small equal-sized pieces preferably 7.5cm x 2.5cm which is the standard size but you must come up with the right amount of pieces to deep-fry.

The next step will be to come up with an egg wash that you will use to coat the roll wrappers with. This egg wash is made by mixing one egg with the milk and stirring them vigorously until they are mixed completely. You will have to use a pastry brush to apply the egg wash on the wrapper but you have to be cautious not to use too much on a single wrapper. In case you overestimate it and end up using more than you expected then use a napkin to wipe it out with a lot of care not to damage the cheesecake. The next step will be to wrap the cake with the wrappers and it should be laid gently by putting a single piece of the cake on a separate wrapper before rolling it up to fold.

The folding process should be systematic to adhere to a certain procedure. Begin by folding the top side towards the central part of the cake in a way that both sides of the cheesecake meet. When that is successfully done, you will be left with the last step of deep-frying and this should not give you problems since you are done with the most difficult part. This is where the pan will come in handy. You will place it on the heater before adding the frying oil to boil and only put in the cakes once you are sure the oil is ready. Place the cakes gently one at a time but don’t have many at the same time to give them enough frying space.

Ten seconds are enough for frying a single cake after which you will be free to remove it. Repeat the same process with all the pieces that you have cut until they are all done. Every cheesecake should then be coated with sugar while still hot then leave them to cool off. They are then ready to be served and will go well with hot fudge, strawberry sauce, cream as well as any other tasty toppings. You should never eat a deep-fried cake when it is hot as you need to give them a few minutes to cool down. Likewise, you should be careful when using the oil because it is flammable and can be very dangerous if left unattended for long. 

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