Natural Remedies For Anxiety Attacks – An Effective Alternative For Symptom Relief


Natural remedies for anxiety attacks can include a number of different tactics that can be effective to use in conjunction with herbs, homeopathic remedies or other nutritional supplements. To improve your coping skills for anxiety, counseling therapy can be done individually, in groups or even over the phone if your therapist does not live close by.

Having problems with anxiety attacks is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact it’s a common issue with many people. Anxiety is a normal bodily response that serves a valuable purpose.

Yet it can be uncomfortable when the brain seems to get stuck on “hyper alert”, and when there is no apparent imminent danger, it can be very confusing to experience all the extreme sensations and emotions involved in anxiety attacks.

It’s important to find help as soon as you realize that what you’re experiencing is beyond your ability to self-manage. There are many consultants who specialize in the area of anxiety and who offer their own treatment programs through books, audio, video and through live sessions. Many of these programs can also be accessed through the Internet.

Anti anxiety and depression prescription drugs can have many different adverse side effects, and their safety is being questioned by some. Even without side effects they can tend to give you the feeling of being “medicated.” Also, anti anxiety drugs work mainly by suppressing symptoms and don’t address the cause of the problem.

If you want to avoid the use of medications, there are natural remedies for anxiety attacks that can help you address your symptoms with virtually no side effects. Plus, they can be safely used long term without risk of addiction or worries about withdrawal problems. As most anxiety disorders are due to a lack of balance in the nervous system, natural remedies address this issue through the use of natural extracts.

The herb Passionflower is a natural tranquilizer and is often used to address symptoms of insomnia, anxiety and depression. Passionflower can gently put you to sleep and supports getting adequate rest that’s necessary to recover from an anxiety attack.

The herbs Lavender and Lemon balm have also been used in traditional herbal medicine to promote calm and to ease stress as well as feelings of agitation or anxiety.

These natural remedies for anxiety attacks provide gentle relief to the nervous system and have a long record of successful use in traditional natural medicine. Plus, now they have also been proven effective in a number of clinical research studies.

Using these herbs along with exercise, diet adjustments and adequate rest can be an effective strategy to reduce or eliminate the effects of anxiety attacks. Also remember that therapy to improve coping skills for anxiety can be an option if you feel you need more help.

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