Recognizing Your Skin Types For Skin Care


A lot of people want clean young looking skin but have no idea about how to get or keep their skin looking young. Just washing your skin with soap and water and applying moisturizers is not the proper way to happy and healthy looking skin.

Before you begin any daily skin care routine, it is a good idea to find out what your skin type is first. There are five different skin types – dry, oily, sensitive, combination, and sun-damaged. These types are usually determined by the amount of natural oil your skin produces.

To find out what type of skin you do have, first wash your face normally and pat it dry with a towel. Next, get some rice paper or lens-cleansing tissue paper. Take a few pieces and pat them to different areas of your face.

If the paper sticks, picks up oily spots, and becomes translucent, then you have oily skin.

If the paper doesn’t sticky or pick up oil, then your skin is dry.

If it only sticks to areas like your forehead, nose or chin, then you have combination skin.

You can also tell your skin type by their unique characteristics.

Oily skin will be shiny with enlarged pores and tends to have blemishes and blackheads.

Combination, or normal skin, the most common in women, has medium pores, healthy color, a smooth and even texture with dryness in the cheeks while being oily on the forehead or chin.

Sensitive skin tends to be delicate with small pores. This skin type is prone to having broken capillaries, rashes, and allergic sensitivities.

Dry skin can feel really tight especially after a cleansing. Dry skin develops red patches, some flaking, and fine wrinkles.

Sun-damaged skin is not a normal skin variation, but one that can develop with age. This skin type can feel tight with visible wrinkles and even seem leathery with broken capillaries.

Before beginning any regular skin care routine, please understand your type of skin is and use the proper methods associated with that type or else you might actually be doing more harm than good.

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