Soda And Sugar Snacks In School

By mag3737 on 2010-01-05 14:35:09
tags There are a lot of children nowadays, especially teens and middle school children who are eating a lot of Sugar Snacks and also that School Soda which is very high in sugar. Yes, there is nothing wrong with sugar, if you have a normal intake of it. It is really something that is beneficial to the human body. But if you will cross the line and will decide to eat a lot of sweets on a daily basis, then sugar will become an enemy for your metabolism and it will get you fat.
Sugar is very helpful when it comes to digesting food and for this it has some special enzymes. But the bad thing is that the products that we can fid on the market, for examples chocolate bars and so on, have been so overly processed, that the enzymes in the sugar are either dead or are in very, very poor quantities. And because of this, oftentimes bleach is used in the processing and this is really something that is very dangerous to the human body. So yes, the sugar that everyone has at home, white sugar, is very dangerous for the human body.
Most of the times, if you will get to have a lot of sugar in your daily food intake, then you will be at risk for getting diabetes. This is a disease that you will never get rid of in your entire life and you will have to use insulin shots on a daily basis. If you will use a higher quantity of insulin, then you will also have high chances of dying.
If you have a child and you dont want him to eat snacks that are very rich in sugar, then you will have to pay the school where he studies at a visit and see if the Vending In Schools is really healthy. If the Schools Healthy Vending that you were hoping is just not there, then you will have to consider preparing him some snacks from home or just buying them from someplace else. This way you will be sure of the fact that your child will never get to have any metabolism problems or any other problems that are related to a high intake of sugar.
Remember, if you want your child to be in for healthy foods, always make sure that the school shops where he buys snacks from offers healthy and not overly processed foods.

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