Women’s shoes with a warning?


Women’s shoes may be more dangerous than men’s shoes according to a new study.

According to a recent poll, over three million ladies have injured themselves when wearing very high shoes. Among the most common injuries are twisted ankles and torn tendons.

Other women have said they have broken teeth and hurt wrists when wearing very high shoes on a night out on the town and almost half of the women polled have revealed that they have had to go to hospital after a shoe related injury.

The real number of heels related injuries will probably never been known as many women are too embarrassed to admit they have stumbled on a night out because they have been wearing very high heels.

According to Lisa McCarten from comfort shoe retailer Hotter Shoes, women will always want to find fashionable and desirable footwear.

Speaking to The Independent she said: “Women buy shoes that look good and worry about the pain later.

“It’s incredible to imagine the pain and discomfort women endure for a pair of killer heels.”

Despite these revelations, over 60 per cent of women who took part in the survey said they would continue to wear high heels especially if they had been complimented on their footwear choice on a night out.

And if any of these women do get sore feet on a night out, most are happy to get a ‘fireman’s lift’ from a friend on the way home.

Of all the women polled, a mere two per cent revealed they never wear high heels and almost 80 per cent said they have bought a pair of shoes because they look good, despite them not fitting.

Women will continue to wear high heels though as they are very flattering and suit people of all ages.

As Marilyn Monroe once said: “I don’t know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot.”

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