12 Early Symptoms of Prostate Cancer That Men Must Not Ignore!

12 Early Symptoms of Prostate Cancer That Men Must Not Ignore!

12 Early Symptoms of Prostate Cancer That Men Must Not Ignore!
Unfortunately, in some cases the symptoms of this illness can take long in demonstrating. Although in the initial phases, it is probable that if the tumor is limited to the prostate, there are some obstructive light symptoms that are usually assumed to be a benign hyperplasia.

Prostate cancer is extremely frequent, and it is the most common type of cancer in men.

These are 12 early symptoms of prostate cancer:

Frequent urination during the night period.
Burning sensation during urination.
Blood in the urine.
Incapability to begin or to stop urinating.
Weak flow of the urinal flow.
Incapability to urinate while standing.
Burning sensation during ejaculation.
Blood in the sperm.
Erectile dysfunction.
Pain in the hips, thighs and back.
Pain in the bones.
Pelvic pain.

The best thing you can do to prevent prostate cancer is to drink horsetail tea every day because it will help you purify the blood and your complete urinary system will work properly, including the bladder and the kidneys.

Note: If you notice some of the symptoms mentioned previously, you must visit your doctor as soon as possible.

It is very important to perform a medical examination at least once a year to detect any problem on time so you can treat it effectively.

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