ADHD Chemical Imbalance


The topic of ADHD chemical imbalance and its treatment is perhaps the most exciting area of ADHD research. Billions are being spent to pursue this research avenue. In this informational article we will explore the ins and outs of brain chemistry as it applies to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. So let’s get started!

For the brain to effectively communicate with itself it needs the help of a handful of chemical neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters are tiny chemical messengers that make it possible for one neuron (nerve) to communicate with another. When the upstream neuron gets excited and is desperate to pass on information to its cousin neuron down the street, it releases the neurotransmitter molecules into a closed connection called a synapse. The neurotransmitter then crosses the space to it fellow neuron membrane and binds to specific receptors that cause an effect inside the nerve. 

Let’s cut through all the jargon and put it in simpler terms. Your aunt Betty and aunt Sara live three houses apart but both are housebound. So, to communicate they use the telephone to convey their thoughts. But Sara is almost deaf so when Betty calls she must turn on the voice amplifier to translate the message. Not quiet as cumbersome, right?

ADHD chemical imbalance

In a person without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder brain chemicals are in balance and work in harmony. But for those with ADHD the three primary neurotransmitters (norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin) are unbalanced. For instance research suggests that distractibility is caused by too much norepinephrine activity in relation to the amount of dopamine activity. Impulsivity may be related to too much norepinephrine or too little dopamine. Obsessiveness can be an indication of too much dopamine in relation to the amount of serotonin. 

With many ADHD symptoms, the amount of chemicals in the nerves is normal, and the difficulties stem from how the chemicals release or how the receptors bind them.

One way to think about an ADHD chemical imbalance is that it is a problem of balance between the activities of norepinephrine and dopamine. When too much norepinephrine is present the ADHD personality becomes restless and/or nervous, and finds it hard to focus attention on anything other than rewards or opportunities. When dopamine is in charge, the ADHD personality has a tendency to get stuck on repetitive activities, and boredom disappears. For a diagnosis of the condition too much norepinephrine will likely need to be present to produce the primary diagnostic symptoms of inattention. 

In summary, ADHD chemical imbalances revolve around two primary neurotransmitters; norepinephrine and dopamine. To address this imbalance you will be faced with a number of treatment options, with the most popular being prescription medications such as Ritalin and Adderall. While these prescription medications are effective in seven out of ten cases they also come with a myriad of both long and short term side effects. For this reason many individuals and parents of ADHD children have turned to natural remedies. Natural remedies for ADHD are an affordable, side effect free way of addressing such problematic symptoms as inattention, impulsivity, erratic behavior and hyperactivity. If you have been searching for a side effect free way to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder herbal ADHD remedies are options worth considering.

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