All About Lap Band Surgery

{flickr|100|campaign} The adjustable gastric banding surgeries, including Lap Band surgery, is a form of restrictive weight loss surgery designed for obesity patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater or between 35 and 40. The lap band or adjustable gastric band surgery is not indicated when severe cardiopulmonary diseases or other conditions exist because this will make one a poor surgical candidate. Of course one of the best ways is to read articles like this and to go to lap band forums where you can discuss your concerns. You particularly want to find forums that are comprised of people. While there are risks associated with any surgical procedure, LAP-BAND surgery has been shown to be a remarkably safe procedure with a very low rate of complications. Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract like ulcers, esophagitis or Crohn’s disease don’t make one a good candidate for lap band surgery. It’s usually contraindicated if the surgery or treatment represents an unreasonable risk to the patient.

The placement of the adjustable gastric band creates a small pouch at the top of the stomach which holds approximately 50 ml; this pouch ‘fills’ with food quickly and the passage of food from the top to the bottom of the stomach is slowed. The gastric dumping syndrome problems cannot happen in lap band surgeries because none of the intestines are removed or re-routed. Calcium supplements and Vitamin B12 injections are not usually required following gastric banding. The initial weight loss in gastric banding is slower than with Roux-en-y gastric bypass surgery but the statistics indicate that over a five-year period the weight loss outcome is very similar. Before you contact any medical financing companies you might want to contact your bank or your credit union to see if they have any medical loans. It is not common knowledge but many banks and credit union give medical loans. So if you meet the NIH criteria and your doctor certifies you then your health insurance should cover it but if you don’t qualify you may have to pay for it yourself if you can get a bariatric surgeon. The lap band surgery is a temporary banding procedure and can be removed in the future. Like any surgery it is not completely risk free.Only eat 4 ounces of food at a time. And if you still feel full after 30 minutes, you may need an adjustment to your lap band. Leftovers should not be eaten.

No one should eat if they are upset or anxious, even more important for lap band procedure patients. Stress in the esophagus makes swallowing difficult. For the healthiest way to lose weight after the gastric band placement and surgery is to lose weight gradually. You don’t want to lose weight too fast because it can cause new health problems. Right or wrong people still do it. It would seem normally that a calorie-restricted diet would solve the weight loss problem for a child or teen, unless there is some serious medical reason. Going to another country poses some problems because you may have complications and you’ll also need follow up appointments to check your lap banding system etc. Some doctors may be reluctant to do this because they didn’t perform the operation. And the psychological effects of any weight loss procedure also should not be ignored. Be aware that some people have died undergoing this surgery.

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