Alternative Medicine For Hair Loss – Stopping the Problem at the Root


You are losing your hair. Every morning you get up and take a shower, only to find more hair at your feet in the tub. You gently brush your hair and feel ill when you see locks of your hair stuck in the brush and littering the surface of your sink. You consult your doctor and he says it is normal and natural and that there is very little that can be done, short of taking a painful, expensive surgical route. It is time to explore some alternative medicine for hair loss.

There are many things that can cause loss of hair in men and women. Many men and even some women suffer from a genetic predisposition for losing hair which will result in a condition known as androgenic alopecia. As their bodies produce testosterone, that testosterone binds with other hormones into the compound known as DHT. DHT then surrounds and chokes out the hair follicles, making it impossible for the follicle to support hair growth. There is an alternative medicine that focuses on this cause exactly. Saw Palmetto has shown promise in preventing the testosterone from converting into DHT, which promotes healthy hair growth.

Nutrition is another large factor in losing hair. Deficiencies of certain vitamins have been shown to cause hair loss in men and women, both young and old. The B vitamins especially are very important to your body for producing healthy cells. A diet that is lacking in folic acid, niacin and biotin can lead to loss of hair, fatigue and even depression. Taking alternative medicine for hair loss that targets these deficiencies can help restore healthy hair growth. There are supplements available that are rich in these vitamins and minerals. They are like “hair vitamins” and can help you regain the lush healthy locks you once had.

Regardless of the cause of your loss, you should explore alternative medicine for hair loss for help in reversing it. Talk to your doctor and determine what the cause of your hair loss truly is. If surgery or pharmaceutical options are not on the table for you, there is a wealth of other treatments that you can explore. You don’t have to keep watching your hair wash down the drain. Take action and take control of your hair loss problem now.

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