An Afghan Hound is a Dog With the Mind of a Cat!


When it gets really chilly at night, don’t you wish you could reach next to you and find an afghan to warm yourself up?

Well, the Afghan hound is a full-service blanket available at your bedside 24/7! Actually, the Afghan hound’s coat resembles a rug more than a blanket; but surprisingly, this breed does not get its name from its rug-like coat.

The Afghan hound requires a little more care than an afghan blanket does. You must bathe this breed weekly. (Seems like a lot, huh?) The coat is its crowning glory. Normal brushes which work for most breeds are not acceptable to use on this dog. Specific grooming tools are available for you to use. What happens if you don’t? The long coat will get extremely matted which means more work for you!

Are you a modern couple who would love to adopt a dog but don’t want to sacrifice your sophisticated lifestyle or expensive furniture, for that matter? The Afghan hound feels the same way you do! A very dignified dog breed, the Afghan hound would fit in well with your lifestyle. This breed is a very regal dog who appreciates luxury. This breed appreciates owners who exude patience and gentleness; it is very gentle when greeting house guests in comparison to other breeds which act overly hyper.

Urban-style city living? Well, this breed is not really suited to live in an apartment. It loves having a large fenced-in backyard where it can run. If your heart is still set on this breed, make sure you give it at least thirty minutes of exercise a day.

Are you looking for a dog? Well, you must be because you are here! In that case… I must warn you. The Afghan hound is a dog which sometimes acts like a cat. Most dogs are quick to obey their owner; like a typical cat, the Afghan hound has a mind of its own. For most dogs, their number one priority is pleasing their owner. (The afghan hound strays from this ideal.)

Ever considered becoming a cat owner as well? If not, you may be getting more than you bargained for!

Afghan hounds, like some people, have a tendency to fall into a depressed state if they feel neglected. Their characteristics towards their owner are devotion and affection. These dogs develop an aloof attitude around strangers.

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