Black bears retired to sanctuary from entertainment industry

Black bears retired to sanctuary from entertainment industry
On January 8, The Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch welcomed its newest residents – two senior black bears retired from the entertainment industry. After their owner used them in a traveling bear show for their entire lives, he chose to retire them at CABBR. Like all new arrivals, the two bears (ages 19 and 26) went through a two week quarantine process before being released today to roam free in their newly constructed one acre, beautiful naturally wooded habitat built exclusively for them. Founded in 1979 by author and animal advocate Cleveland Amory, more than 800 retired animals currently live on the 1,400 acre safe haven.

According to Noelle Almrud, Director of CABBR, “We are grateful that the owner of these bears has chosen to give them the retirement they deserve here at Black Beauty. We are able to provide a natural environment, protected from the public and surrounded by trained veterinary and animal care staff to ensure that they enjoy their retirement to the fullest. The care of senior bears involves additional veterinary and husbandry responsibilities including treatment for geriatric conditions like arthritis, obesity, and mobility issues. Our evaluation of the two animals will help us to ensure that they have exactly what they need to thrive.”

In the wild, black bears forage, fish, hunt, swim, climb trees, dig, build nests, seek out mates, and raise families. These two bears traveled around the country for many months each year performing for entertainment.

The 1,400 acre Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch — operated by The Fund for Animals in partnership with The Humane Society of the United States – is one of America’s largest and most diverse animal sanctuaries. The world-renowned animal sanctuary in Murchison, Texas is a permanent haven to more than 800 domestic and exotic animals rescued from research laboratories, circuses, zoos, captive hunting operations, factory farming, and government round-ups. Founded in 1979, Black Beauty is also home to the innovative Doris Day Equine Center which focuses on developing programs to elevate public perception of horses rescued from cruelty and neglect, as well as serving as a resource for other equine rescue centers around the country.


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