Build a Central Station to Conquer Morning Mayhem


Your “Central Station” is very simply a place where you want to keep all of your “Out-the-door” must haves. This station can be a counter top, a book case, a table in the hallway. It doesn’t matter where, what does matter is that it is in a convenient pace for you and that this space is designated for this purpose and this purpose pretty much exclusively.

Since every ones needs are different, I will just list some to get you started. For kids, we need room for things like backpacks, homework, lunch boxes, permission slips and school books to name a few. For the big kids (The adults) you should have room for car keys, handbags, project cases and video returns etc.

To help make this work for you, here are more tips to follow in making your Central Station a travel destination of choice.

· Try different colored baskets to make it easier to identify everyone’s things
· Label individual containers or landing pads for specific items as to make sure the proper items land in them.
· Make things easy to put away. For example. Have the backpack hooks at the children’s reach level so they don’t have to struggle to hang them up.
· Purchase a cell phone docking station if you have two or more phones. With a little creativity you may even be able to make your own. Funs craft to involve the kids in no doubt. J
· Some docking stations have places for keys too, yet if not you can try either a wall hanging key & mail holder or a counter top one. These also commonly come with places to put mail, note pads and pens, which is even more convenient for making quick lists as you come and go in a hurry.

We all know that there is no getting around morning mayhem yet putting a system in place can really help ease you out the door with less stress each day. So get the ticket, pull out the stops and create a Central Station. You too, can be on your way from the city of Mayhem today.

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