Burn the Fat and Feel the Burn


The body does burn more fat at lower intensity, but you burn more calories at higher intensity, which is what you should be worrying about. Aim for at least five 45-minute cardio sessions per week to burn more than you take in. Also, studies show that cardio helps us keep the arteries elastic, which is beneficial for the health of our hearts.

Cardio Rules

The body does burn more fat at lower intensity, but you burn more calories at higher intensity, which is what you should be worrying about. You should plan to do five cardio sessions per week, no less that 45 minutes per session, to burn calories and boost metabolism. Also, studies show that cardio helps us keep the arteries elastic, which is beneficial for the health of our hearts.

Run Hungry

Did you know that if you do your cardio first thing in the morning, before breakfast, your body is most likely to burn more fat. When you run out of stored carbohydrates you begin to burn bodyfat to create energy.

After-Cardio Burn

If your cardio session is at least 45 minutes and the intensity of your run elevates your heart rate, your metabolic rate will continue to burn calories anywhere from an hour and up to 12 hours after your workout session.

Speed up

Don’t start your cardio slow and gradually increase the speed. Instead, warm-up for five minutes, then increase the intensity for 15 – 20 minutes, cooling down for the last 10 – 20 minutes. Keep your heart rate to 80-85% of the maximum rate during the highest intensity portion of your workout.

Welcome Interval

Interval training is the best way to burn fat and improve your aerobic fitness and stamina. Alternate walking for 2 min with sprinting for the same amount of time and alternating that several times for 15-30 minutes. Gradually increase your walking and running speed.

Cardio before Weights

Even if you are short on time, try at least 5-10 minutes of cardio before your weight-lifting session. It not only warms up your muscles but can burn additional calories. Studies have shown that energy output after you stop working out was greatest when cardio was done before weight lifting.

Combine Cardio and Weights

When you follow your cardio with weight training, your body will be burning more fat during and after the workout. Many trainers report that metabolic rates remain elevated for hours or days after a combination of cardio and weight training sessions.

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