Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Women


Women are four times more likely to have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome than men and it usually strikes in their 40’s or 50’s. Unfortunately, there is no single test to diagnose or confirm the syndrome, however, it is important to know the symptoms and rule out other causes, especially if all your tests come back ‘normal.’ It is important to find a qualified physician who specializes in the syndrome or a Natural Medicine Doctor who can help you with any nutrient deficiencies in the body.

Here are the symptoms:

– pain in the neck or armpits
– sore throat
– joint pain or persistent muscle pain
– memory loss or difficulty concentrating
– lack of good sleep
– extreme exhaustion lasting longer than 24 hours

The problem is that illnesses such as depression, fibromyalgia, chronic infections or undiagnosed cancer can cause the same symptoms which makes it difficult to diagnose. There are some simple changes you can make to help alleviate or eliminate symptoms. The treatment is a healthy lifestyle. Here is what you can do:

1. Start your day hydrated: drink water as soon as you wake up in the morning before your coffee. After 8 hours of sleep, your body is dehyrated and if you start your day with coffee, it will dehydrate you even more. Drink some water first then drink your coffee.

2. Find a nutritious breakfast you can live with and take your vitamin supplements with breakfast. This will insure that you are starting your day with a nutrient dense meal as well as your vitamins for energy throughout your day. If you are starting your day with a piece of toast and coffee, you are starting your day with one of the most highly reactive foods – wheat! The gluten in wheat has been shown to cause pain in the muscles and joints. My favorite way to start the day is with a protein smoothie in a blender.

3. Try YOGA for relieving stress and pain in the body. It will be the best hour of your day. The postures are designed to be done without struggle as in life so the class will teach you how to let go of the pain.

4. Learn DEEP BREATHING techniques which will calm your body and mind when worrisome issues arise. Your yoga instructor can help you with these methods so you can do them any time of day.

5. Avoid the top 6 most highly reactive foods that can cause pain in the body – wheat, dairy, sugar, corn, peanuts and eggs. This does not mean you can never eat them again, just try not to rely on them for every meal. You should notice a difference in how you feel.

I wish you a pain-free life with glowing good health always.

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