Common Candida Overgrowth Symptoms


A person with Candidiasis would mean that there is an over production of yeast in his body. Inside a normal condition body, the growth of Candida is controlled. However, if the body’s immune system weakens, this will sometimes cause production of toxins most especially in the intestinal tract area. If there is too much consumption of sugar in the body and even carbohydrates, chances are yeast will grow rapidly.

To know whether there is an overproduction of Candida in the body, there are several common Candida overgrowth symptoms that you should look out for. Gastrointestinal disorders such as bloating, flatulence, stomach cramps and poor digestion are some of the common symptoms. Others may even experience bowel disorders, diarrhea and constipation which can sometimes result to hemorrhoids. Heart burn and acidity are also apparent signs of Candida.

Aside from the gastrointestinal symptoms, a person with Candida overgrowth may manifest irritability, frequent mood swings, and lack of concentration. In some cases, dizziness and severe headaches are also experienced. Others may even feel depression. This may be due the depravity of sugar; sugar cravings are often felt by a person with Candida infection.

For women with yeast infection, vaginal itchiness and soreness are the most common symptoms. Some may even have unusual discharge which can have unpleasant smell. Men may experience soreness in the penis head area. There are even blisters that may appear on the shaft area. Rashes may spread in the area of the groin up to the anus.

Children are also affected by the overgrowth of yeast. Thrush or oral yeast infection is common among infants and kids. It is characterized by white patches that grow on the tongue or mouth area. For infants, frequent colic for the past three months is a manifestation of yeast over production in the body. Even ear infection can be an indication.

Symptoms may vary from one person to another. Experiencing more than one of these indicators does not automatically mean that you have yeast infection; however there is a strong possibility that you are actually infected by it. Women can visit their OB Gynecologist for proper diagnosis and medication. Men can visit their Urologist to validate the symptoms and get medication. Of course, for children, parents should bring their kids to a Pediatrician for proper care.

As much as possible, avoid self-medication. There are a lot of over the counter medication in local pharmaceuticals but it is still best to visit a health professional before medication or going on a diet.

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