Creative Marketing Opportunities

.tags Creative marketing opportunities

Social networks provide marketers with an effective medium to reach consumers. With a whopping 6 million users Foursquare can transform the way your business interacts with its clients, given you use it correctly.

Foursquare is a location-based service which helps business promote themselves and build brand awareness. It allows businesses to connect with new prospects and stay relevant while not alienating their existing clients. Social networks tend to draw a younger, smartphone-using crowd, making it easy to connect with them wherever they are and to build the platform for future sales and referrals.

Since this channel is so new businesses get to be creative in their marketing efforts as well as connect with clients on a more personal level. Making use of mobile and social to connect with prospects broadens the field. Popularity, online visibility, customer loyalty and an increase in sales are just some of the possibilities Foursquare and similar networks offer your business. Business owners can promote upcoming events and promotions, receive instant feedback from consumers or even reward loyal customers with mobile coupons. In addition, Foursquare pages rank well on search engines resulting in more online visibility for your business which in turn can lead to more foot traffic.

Foursquare takes on the brand imagery of the company it is helping promote, said Jamie Turner, Atlanta-based chief content officer at The 60 Second Marketer and co-author of How to Make Money with Social Media. However, the brand and business target audience determines what type of social media they will use to interact with consumers and generate as many leads as possible via the interactions.

Many of the big brands are making use of these new tools as a way to interact with consumers. Pepsi, The New York Times and Mercedes-Benz established themselves as some of the more forward-thinking, innovative brands in todays competitive market via their social network campaigns. A restaurant called AJ Bombers previously held a Foursquare party which increased their business with 110%!

Interact with clients and new prospects and reward loyal clients, dont miss out on the many opportunities Foursquare and other social networks alike can provide your business.

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