Croatia Should Be Your First Pick


We started talking about spending our holiday in Croatia because there were a lot of commercials trying to convince people to come to Croatia, that’s how we found about this not-so-known country. In my opinion, it wasn’t a difficult choice because those videos looked pretty awesome: there were pictures of a clean blue sea, beautiful forests, golden plains and some ancient buildings which we have never seen before. Our son was not so happy about this choice, but grew to like it eventually.

The first thing we needed do was to find a place to stay. We opened our browser and started searching for accommodation in Croatia. There were only two choices we liked, staying in a hotel or in a private accommodation. Although we’ve heard that apartments in Croatia can be a great place to spend holidays, we decided to go to a hotel so that we don’t need to worry about food and drinks.

The start of our holiday in Croatia was great: we were totally surprised with a number of ancient, yet well preserved, buildings in Dalmatia (some of them are so valuable that they are a part of UNESCO’s world heritage); and the sea, I could talk about the sea for ages because it is something you really need to experience, the smell of pine trees and sea makes you feel like you’re in a spa resort.

We aren’t really keen on swimming, so we have spent most of the time sightseeing; this is the reason why we had decided not to spend our whole holiday in Croatia in a single place, though this was not our original intention. There are a lot of interesting things to see: apart from ancient buildings, we have enjoyed open-air plays an concerts and some sport events, which proved to be a great fun. Our son went mountain biking and paragliding because it found our walks a bit boring, so we decided to give him an opportunity to enjoy himself.

I have only one advice for you, when choosing accommodation in Croatia, be sure to take all the possibilities and needs into consideration.

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