Dog Grooming Promo

Dog Grooming Promo

Welcome to Cool Video Ads. Finally, a company that offers highly professional customized promotional videos for a few hundred dollars. Video is the greatest form of advertising. Until now, it had been the most expensive. Check out our samples to see how they fit with your company goals.

Our videos are designed to significantly increase engagement to your audience on social platforms, email lists and catapult your SEO on Google searches. Let’s face it: people could not care less about the text or image posts on Facebook or Instagram.
Video advertising will increase your exposure by 72% and drive your audience to take action. Your current email open rate will increase by 96% and you will outrank your competition on Google searches 53x faster. You might be asking yourself: OK, so what does all that mean to me? How about a conversion increase and netting 30% more sales. Could you use 30% more business? We all know the answer is YES!
These numbers should not be taken lightly. As the owner of a business, you are constantly searching for a low investment-high return marketing option. Video is the answer.

Just a few video ideas: You can be as creative as your mind allows.
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Video performance statistics are staggering. Call us so we can stop by and put something together for your business

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