Enjoy An Amazing Ride On The Tower of Terror at MGM Studios


One of the best thrill rides that I have ever been on is probably the Tower of Terror at MGM Studios in Walt Disney World. This ride was first opened in the spring of 1994, and immediately became of the most popular rides. You are able to catch a glimpse of the Twilight Zone themed hotel, which is 199 feet in height, as soon as you walk through the MGM studios gates. You will be amazed by some of the Disney magic that you experience when being on this ride.


The queue for this ride is elaborately detailed. You wander through old and forgotten gardens, complete with wilted and rotten plants and bushes as well as old and crumbling statues. As you continue your stroll, you will get the feeling you have really been brought back in time, which is exactly what Disney wants you to feel.


Upon entering the Tower of Terror at MGM Studios, you are quickly ushered to the elevator. By now, there is a violent thunderstorm going on outside, with bright lightning and window rattling thunder. The elevator doors open and you enter in groups of 20 or so. Now the ride is just beginning. You will have a lengthy tour of several different hotel floors, many of which will bring back many memories of watching The Twilight Zone as a child.


Just as you are about to get comfortable, and your nerves start to settle down, the doors in front of you open to reveal an aerial view of MGM Studios. By now you are about 13 stories above the park! You get a couple of moments to enjoy the view until The Tower of Terror at MGM Studios unleashes itself. Enjoy the ride.


Obviously, I don’t want to give too much of the ride away. This is one of the most popular rides at MGM Studios. I recommend getting on the ride as early in the day as possible, otherwise you can expect very long lines. If you choose to take advantage of the Disney FastPass, get your ticket early, as they often run out of FastPass times.


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