Fitness on a Budget at Home


With today’s busy schedules, many people don’t have the time or money to workout at a commercial fitness center. Budget is quickly becoming the number one reason why people are choosing to workout at home. Here you will find some ways to stay in shape without having to pay for a membership or spend time traveling to your local fitness center.

Take A Hike

You don’t wait for the weekend to go hiking. Just because you carry a backpack with survival gear, you don’t have to stay overnight. If you live near trails or parks, hiking can become part of your normal fitness routine. Hiking is inexpensive and you can burn alot of calories quickly.

Walk, Jog, or Run

If you don’t have hiking trails nearby you can take a simple walk around your neighborhood and burn many calories. In some parts of the country you cannot walk or run yearound because of the cold or hot weather, but use this to your advantage. This will force you to try other forms of fitness when the weather turns bad. This mixing it up keeps your workouts from becoming boring and you are less likely to quit. The main advantage to this type of workout is that is is free.

Workout With the TV

Today, you can find all types of workout videos or DVD’s that are very affordable. Many of the workouts require little to no equipment. No matter what your fitness level is, you can find a workout that will fit you. Some libraries even carry the workouts so you can get them for free and mix them up. When selecting a DVD, don’t just look for the best celebrity, but try to look for videos that meet your needs and are from a professional fitness instructor.

Used Equipment

It has been said that 80% of exercise equipment is not being used after the first year of purchase. This amazing stat gives you more opportunities to ask around and find that unused piece of equipment that someone is desperate to get rid of. Some of you may even have your own used equipment laying around the house. Get it out and dust it off, there is nothing wrong with using used exercise equipment.

Keep It Simple

An elliptical machine or fancy treadmill at home would be nice, but not required. Remember, that these machines simply simulate activities that you can already do for free outdoors. By keeping it to the basics like small weights and an exercise mat, you will get healthy and save money at the same time.

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