GlaxoSmithKline Pension Plan Jane Newell Prosecution Files HMIC CHAIRMAN MURDER Scotland Yard Exposé

GlaxoSmithKline Pension Plan Jane Newell Prosecution Files HMIC CHAIRMAN MURDER Scotland Yard Exposé


The sensational Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Carroll Maryland Trust multi-billion dollar offshore tax fraud bribery scandal which is now encircling the beleaguered UK Attorney General Jeremy Wright has recently disclosed that the Secret Intelligence Service’s former MI6 Director General Sir John Scarlett currently with the PWC international accounting firm is understood to be deeply involved in this case of international importance.

Sources have confirmed that the Carroll Global Corporation industrial empire’s auditors for many years were PWC who are known to be seriously implicated in the embezzlement of a mind boggling two hundred million dollars of the Carroll Foundation Trust’s huge treasury investment holdings which were held at the Queen’s bankers Coutts & Co and Barclays Bank City of London branches.

Further sources have revealed that Gerald Carroll’s Farnborough Aerospace Aerospace Centre in Hampshire England was “targeted” by BAE Systems within the framework of a systematic break-up seizure and embezzlement operation “centered around” PWC fraudulently incorporated UK Companies House “parallel registered” Farnborough Aerospace Development Corporation Plc Strategic Research & Development Corporation Plc and Carroll Aircraft Corporation Plc group structures.

Scotland Yard “leaked” sources have disclosed that the new explosive Carroll Foundation Trust criminal “standard of proof” prosecution files contain forensic specimen exhibits of fraudulently incorporated HSBC International offshore accounts Barclays International offshore accounts and Coutts & Co Gerald Carroll accounts which effectively impulsed this City of London bank fraud heist spanning a staggering sixteen years.

This source also said that the dossiers contain forensic specimen exhibits of the co-ordinated break-ins burglaries theft and criminal seizure offences that were “targeted” at Gerald Carroll’s multi-million dollar Eaton Square Belgravia penthouse and Westminster residences following a complete refusal by the Metropolitan Police to provide assistance covering a bizarre six to eight years.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe who has an intimate knowledge of this case which stretches the globe.


Dr Jane Newell Resumé:

Dr Jane Newell is chair of the John Lewis Partnership Pensions Trust and was appointed a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire for services to the pensions industry and to charity in the 2013 Queens New Year’s Honours list.

In December 1991 the newspaper magnate Robert Maxwell died suddenly and shortly afterwards it was discovered that some four hundred and forty million pounds was missing from his companies’ pension fund leaving thirty thousand pensioners potentially bereft.

The Maxwell Pensioners’ Trust was established by the Government in July 1992 to help solve their plight and Jane Newell was appointed a trustee along with Sir Ewen Broadbent and Lord Cuckney.

Jane Newell chaired the pensions schemes of the Dixons’ Group United Utilities the Electricity Supply Pension Scheme the deputy chair of Glaxo Trustee Companies a trustee of the GlaxoSmithKline Pension Plan and chair of the Royal Mail Pension Plan being the second largest scheme in the country with assets of twenty four billion pounds.

Jane Newell has also shown long standing commitment to public service across a wide range of roles – a non-executive director of the Royal Liverpool University Hospital Trust a 10 Downing Street Cabinet Office and Home Office “assessor for appointments” in the Police Prison and Fire Services. A trustee of Common Purpose Charitable Trust and a magistrate in Liverpool.

The Maxwell empire auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers are universally known to have conducted accounting fraud offences on an industrial scale which effectively brought about the collapse of Robert Maxwell’s business interests. The Carroll Foundation Trust primary auditors were also PricewaterhouseCoopers who effectively executed a multiple name switch operation which was targeted at the Carroll Global Corporation’s underlying eighty five corporations worldwide in a bungled attempt to conceal the magnitude of this case which stretches the globe spanning a staggering sixteen years.

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