Gum Inflammations

.tags People have massive complaints related to the gums. Almost everyone has faced the unpleasant symptoms such as swollen, bleeding and sore gums. Often children also complain from gum diseases.

Diseases of the oral cavity are bad for the health of the teeth. They are related to the general health of the body, thats why they need special treatment.
Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. It can be acute and chronic. Acute gingivitis usually develops due to mechanical trauma of the gums. For example, gum ulceration around the tooth from ingress of food or its removal. It happens when there is poor sealing of the tooth and prosthesis – placing the crown, denture, briquettes. The injured mucosa gets infected from the microorganisms in the oral cavity and causes discomfort in the area of the gums.

Chronic inflammation of the gums develops because of different diseases of the gastrointestinal tract-gastritis, cholecystitis, impaired metabolism, diabetes, allergic diseases, vitamin deficiency, prolonged intake of medicines, and hormonal changes of the body – pregnancy, puberty, menstruation, hormonal contraception. The cause for chronic gingivitis can be a continuous traumatic process on the gums that is a result of the accumulation of tartar, some individual anatomical features of the structure of the oral cavity, irregularly shaped prostheses. It also appears when the person was exposed to harmful substances in production, where dust or fumes are emitted.

Catarrhal gingivitis characterizes with swelling of the gum. It is sensitive and red. There can be bleeding, salivation and unpleasant breath from the mouth.

Neurotic gingivitis develops due to decreased general immunity of the body after a disease – flu, infectious or chronic disease, vitamin deficiency. The initial symptoms are redness and swelling of the gums. Necrosis is released rapidly. This gingivitis can be accompanied by fever, general weakness of the body. The disease can affect the cheeks, palate, tongue and lips.

Both types of gingivitis may develop chronic form – then complaints periodically emerge and subside.

Hypertrophic gingivitis is characterized by growing gums and increasing tissue between the teeth. The gum tissue is possible to grow so much that it can cover almost the entire surface of the tooth. Gums hurt when eating and usually bleed. When gingivitis continues for a long time, the gums get thinner and are easily hurt when chewing food. It is possible for gums to atrophy partly or entirely. Usually in this case tissue is lost and the gum becomes equal to the teeth. In this condition, the gums become a permanent source of infection in the body and cause exacerbation of chronic diseases in the internal organs.

It is necessary that the cause for gum inflammation is found. Then dental treatment is needed and correction of prosthesis. You may need consultation with other specialist to clarify your hormonal status and presence of chronic diseases. There should be appropriate therapy for strengthening of the immune system.

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