How Dreams Interpretation Works According To Jung And Freud


Understanding the meaning of dreams is a practice that has received much attention through the centuries. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks believed that it a supernatural form of communication or even divine intervention. They believed that only certain people were empowered with the gift of dreams interpretation. Many current psychological schools of thought claim that they have deciphered the meanings of dream messages.

In nineteen hundred famous psychotherapist, Sigmund Freud wrote a book about the interpretation of dreams. It was his belief that one would be wishing for something and this would manifest in a dream. Often this would mirror something that has happened the day before.

His research proved that this was particularly true amongst young children, who experience very simple dreams. Their dreams are usually directly based on the events of the preceding day. Adults have much more distorted dreams, due to the many latent thoughts and emotions in their subconscious. This often causes the true meaning of the dream to be masked. He concluded that dreamers are as unable to understand the meaning of a dream as a neurotic are able to understand the impact of the symptoms they experience.

He determined that this latent thought which was referred to as a censor was due to an intra psychic force. Later this idea evolved to be the work of super ego and the defense thereof. While the subject was awake, there was resistance that kept the subdued wishes of the unconscious from invading the conscious. During the state of sleep, these were able to emerge. The resistance was still strong enough to disguise the true nature of the dream.

A dream in Freud’s opinion was a way to keep one asleep and at the same time disguise certain wishes that was repressed. This would otherwise disturb the sleeper and would ultimately wake him or her up.

While Jung recognized the archetypal symbols, he preferred the concept of a sign. This was the case that signs have connotation on a one to one basis. He believed that the symbols were both dynamic and fluid.

The symbols should be investigated in terms of personal significance. The dream should not be bunched into a group of ideas that are predetermined.

James Tien is a Chinese society writer. He recommends Absolutely Feng Shui for additional information on Dreams Dictionary and Dreams Interpretation.

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