How to Handle Type 2 Diabetes If You Are Over 40


The rate of men and women over 40 with undiagnosed diabetes has fallen rapidly over the last few years. There are still scores of people who have not yet found out that they have the disease but through venues such as television and the internet, word is getting out. Finding out that you have the disease is the first step in learning how to handle type 2 diabetes over 40.

Diagnosis of diabetes starts with diabetes care blood sugar tests such as the glucose tolerance test. Often your physician will have this test run by a lab to determine if you have the disease. My first visit shortly after my physician confirmed my diabetic condition was to the nutritionist.

The nutritionist will start your re-education on what to eat, the correct foods to eat and how to intelligently consume carbs if you are a diabetic. It took me a little while to learn the ropes and it will be the same for you. Learning how to handle type 2 diabetes over 40 is never easy and my first time out of the gate, everything was kind of scary. New medicines with big names, blood sugar testing and lifestyle changes were a bit overwhelming for me my first time out.

My first experience was learning how to partner with my doctor, particularly with diabetes care nutrition. He showed me a chart he had with fruits and vegetables on it and I was thinking about my usual meals that were laden with all the wrong foods. After a few lectures from the doctor and looking at the numbers I was pulling on my tests, I was finally on board once I realized the seriousness of what could happen to me. The nurse showed me how to start my diabetes care blood sugar measurements with my new meter. Both her and the doctor explained to me what A1c tests were and I was finally firmly on the path to managing my diabetes.

Taking your new meds will be the first experience you will have with managing your diabetes. Take them on time and on schedule. If your blood sugar stills runs high or is extremely low after taking medication, let your doctor know so it can be adjusted. Exercise also plays a part and one of the best things you can do is institute a daily walking regimen. Diabetes care nutrition means you will have to count carbs at meals (a range of 40-60 carbs is what I aim for at every meal) and you should write everything down to record your progress. After all, type 2 diabetes over 40 is a balancing act and these little steps will mean miles of progress in managing the disease.

Now for the most important part: what to look out for so your condition doesn’t get worse. Feet are the number one thing to watch and you should examine them every day for cuts, sores and bruises. Feet can turn into major complications in a hurry so report any thing that looks out of the ordinary immediately to your doctor. Diabetes care blood sugar tests are the next important item. Numbers greater than 140 or less than 80 on a consistent basis are reason for concern and you should be aggressive on getting these back into acceptable ranges. Counting carbs for meals and snacks will keep you on track and help your diabetes care nutrition to stay in balance. Getting your eyes checked every year is a must as your eyes can be susceptible to diabetic complications and the sooner you find out about these, the better.

Type 2 diabetes over 40 is not the end of the world. You can manage it, change your lifestyle and be better for it. Work with your doctor, manage your diabetes care blood sugar, and be proactive about handling problems when they first crop up. Education is your first line of defense so learn all you can about how to live with it and you will be successful.

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