Jedburgh in the Scottish Borders


Located on the Scottish borders you will find the beautiful town of Jedburgh. It’s a mere ten miles from the border of England, and lies on the Jed Water, which is part of the River Teviot. You can find the remains of the Jedburgh Abbey here, also a home that was lived in by Mary Queen of Scots, and the Jedburgh Castle Jail, which is now actually a museum.

Ever since the 9th century you would have found a church located in Jedburgh. The first one was founded by David I and Ecgred of Lindisfarne. While 1258 saw the town of Jedburgh come into the interest of royal attention.

It was at that time that England’s Henry III and Scotland’s Alexander III would argue over who was the true heir to the throne. Because of the location it was well known in many battles that took part between the English and Scots.

Some famous people who have lived in this town before include James Thomson, the writer of “Rule Britannia”, David Brewster, a physicist who invented the kaleidoscope, and Mary Somerville among a few.

Not a large location by all means, the town only held a bit over 4, 000 people back in 2001. A dig was held at the abbey back in 1984, and is also a historical site. One that many people will see each year and one that is wonderful to visit.

Though it does not have a roof anymore, it is still a fabulous location to see the great work of Norman architecture. There are many things that you can enjoy in the town of Jedburgh.

A location that now bases its industry on tanning, textiles, and gloves. Also the place of a yearly festival known as Callant’s Rideout. A beautiful location for yet another wonderful place that you should take the chance to visit.a

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