New Discoveries in Article Marketing


While Internet marketing is still a relatively new trend, it is one that is continuously growing at a fast rate. Many new online tools are cropping up here and there that are aimed to consistently improve marketing strategies for websites or online businesses.

These are clearly designed to make our lives much easier and to give us more time to focus on other aspects of our websites or businesses so that we see long-term growth as a whole. Through these new discoveries, our work is simpler and we are able to realize success quicker than before.

One of the most popular marketing strategies that website and business owners use is article submission; however, this form of marketing is also fast becoming outdated, as the market is now saturated with many companies doing the exact same thing.

It used to be effective when writers would place their articles in categories, but today, it is not at all as powerful as it used to be as many people are now spinning their content to create more volume in their submissions.

Looking at the daily routine an article marketer goes through can make even the most structured person’s eyes glaze over. Don’t be fooled – an article marketer or writer’s job is much harder than it seems. It is a very rigid process of writing, editing, rewriting, submitting, and writing all over again, which is the main reason why many writers feel bored, unmotivated or discouraged.

Of course, there is always the option to have a program or software do it for them, but these services are now lacking, even in quality, which doesn’t really help in making those disturbing feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction go away.

Apart from all these changes in trends, there are also new technologies arising stemming from the public’s growing interest in everything “Internet”. For one thing, some article submission websites now have what is called Creative Feed Technology, which allows you to customize and manage your content from one user-friendly interface. Here, you can do everything content-wise – create, edit, revise, or finalize.

This is even more powerful when combined with a second emerging tool called DripFeed Technology, which totally aids you in publishing your content. Instead of having to manually publish content in separate blogs,

DripFeed allows you to do it all at once, and even at the time of your choice. With this and Creative Feed Technology, you have in your hands one very powerful marketing tool that could potentially change your business for the better!

Whether you are a novice or marketing connoisseur, these tools will help you in one way or another – either it will jump-start your website readership, or drive even more traffic to your already-existing website. For the businessmen, it could definitely help your open rates to conversion rates or sales.

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