Pre and Post Natal Care for Mother & Baby


The miracle of pregnancy and creation of new life is one of the most magical spells that Mother Nature can cast.  Looking after yourself and your baby as best as you can is essential to the health and well-being of you both, and living as healthy and active a lifestyle as possible comes highly recommended. Doing this organically can only boost the benefits of a holistic and healthy lifestyle for mother and baby.


From pre-conception it is important that your body is at its optimum health, so here are some ways that you can give you and your child the best start possible:


If you are thinking of starting a family it is important that you eat a healthy organic diet, packed with fruit and vegetables, dairy products, protein and good carbohydrates.


Certain vitamins and minerals are particularly important to pregnant woman, these include folic acid and iron which can be taken as supplements, bought organically from health food stores.


Remember to avoid certain foods such as unpasteurised dairy products, shellfish and some types of fish and meat products.


Eating an organic, wholesome, healthy balanced diet will ensure you get all of the goodness you need without the additives.


Exercise regularly at a gentle pace.  It is important to raise your heart rate in preparation for childbirth but not to overdo it.  Ideal activities are swimming and yoga; both are excellent activities for pregnant woman, social and have many health benefits.


Many health and fitness clubs run swimming and yoga classes especially designed for pregnant woman this provides a social outlet as well as a health-giving pastime.


Speak to your midwife or doctor before embarking on any new exercise regime. Remember healthy body healthy mind.


Massage your bump with organic aromatherapy oils.  The scent of the oils can invigorate you, relax you or refresh you depending on the product you chose.


Use organic skincare and cosmetics and organic household cleaners.  Your skin breathes and feeds your body, ingesting whatever is in it or your environment and ultimately exposing your unborn baby.  Using organic products eliminates the bad stuff.


When baby is born It is essential that you give your newborn the best possible start and the age-old adage that Mothers milk is best is no fairytale.  By feeding your child breast milk you are building and strengthening their immune system, and filling their tiny tum with the finest nutrients that nature can offer.


A child’s skin is five times thinner than that of an adult, so it is important that what you rub into them, and put on them, is as natural as possible.  Use organic creams and lotions that contain no chemicals or preservatives. Organic baby clothes are ideal as they too are made as naturally as possible, protecting your child’s skin and body and keeping it soft and pure.


Introduce baby to organic food slowly.  A balanced healthy diet is essential in the first few years of life, and doing this organically ensures you are feeding your child the best possible without the added preservatives.


By living a healthy, holistic organic lifestyle you are giving your child the best start in life for health happiness and vitality.

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