Preventing Tooth Decay Before It Is Too Late

.tags Tooth decay is a serious problem in our society today. With our affinity for soft drinks, sugar, and other acidic substances, our teeth and gums are declining rapidly.

However, if we are careful and take measures to prevent these problems from occurring now, we can save lots of money, pain, and embarrassment down the line as we age. While genetics do play a part in the softness of hardness of our enamel, we have the power to control a great deal when it comes to the health of our mouth.

Tooth decay is a common dental problem among kids. However, adults are also not far behind.

Almost all dentists will say to you that of all the dental conditions frequently complained to them, tooth decay is at the top of the list. We all know how painful this problem can be, and with all probability you have experienced it too.

It is so painful that it can bring an immediate change to a person’s face and attitude once the pain strikes. It is something you definitely do not want to experience again.

But how can you prevent tooth decay? It is really very simple and it often begins with brushing your teeth.

For so many years, dentists and orthodontists have been advocating that people should brush their teeth as often as possible. How often is left up to your personal judgment.

Twice a day is the general normal recommendation, but actually it is even better if you can brush your teeth after every meal. This way you immediately get rid of the small pieces of food stuck between your teeth, and you also prevent the quick build up of bacteria buildup in your mouth.

When you combine bacteria and food scraps, decay and bad breathe is not far behind. The truth is that if we do not regularly clean our pearly whites, we should consider ourselves already lucky if it is just decay that we might get.

Believe it or not, there are a myriad of other dental disorders that can be a result from poor dental hygiene. There is of course gingivitis and gum diseases, two very painful and detrimental disorders.

And also bad breath, something none of us definitely want to get-this can be a chronic, embarrassing problem affecting your life socially. The good news is there are definite, tried and true methods to protect your mouth, and prevent problems-all you need to do it apply them.

Just to reiterate the importance of it, brushing our teeth is at the forefront of our battle against tooth decay and cavities. But it is not enough.

We should also be flossing our teeth as this is more effective in removing the small bits and pieces of food that usually get stuck in the little nooks and carries we can’t see. If we just leave them where they are, they will eventually cause bacteria to build up faster and cause the health of our mouth to deteriorate.

Fluoride is a great toothpaste ingredient that helps fight off decay and damage. It also strengthens the enamel, making it stronger and more resistant to any kind of problems.

Always brush your teeth using a fluoride toothpaste, if you can. Some states such as California even include fluoride in the drinking water, making it much easier.

There is another thing that we should be putting more into our bodies if we want stronger teeth, and that is calcium. We all know that calcium helps make our them stronger, and that is why we have long associated milk with strong, healthy enamel.

Other good sources of calcium are broccoli, fish, and orange juice. If there is a food group that we should avoid, that is a lot of is sugar and carbohydrates.

These two are known to contribute to making our enamel weaker and more prone to problems. That is why it best if we can eat less junk foods and candies.

Visit our dentist regularly, at least every six months for regular cleaning. This is the best maintenance that we can give to our teeth, as our dentist can properly guide us on how to maintain good health and proper habits.

Talk to your dentist today about the current state of your mouth, and see what you can do to improve today. There is always something!

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