Resveratrol – An Anti-Aging Miracle? – Part 2

Hormones in Dairy, Meat
" The cows in many US farms are routinely injected with synthetic hormones such as Bovine growth hormones, zeranol, trenbolone acetate and melengestrol acetate that are linked to early puberty as well as breast cancer.

Most cows are also fed with Monsanto’s GMO corn and receive growth hormones (to increase the profit by growing animals faster and squeezing them into small spaces).

There are also up to 20 different hormones (both natural oestrogen and 7-beta-estradiol), antibiotics, anti-fungal drugs, steroids and Anti-malaria drugs (pyrimethamine) in milk and dairy products. "

Sources: What’s in your meet? Drugs, cleaning chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, heavy metals, toxins and bacteria! by @OrganicLiveFood.

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Related books
* My Year of Meats, by Ruth Ozeki, 1999.
* Cancer from Beef: DES, Federal Food Regulation, and Consumer Confidence, by Marcus, Alan I, 1994.
* The Newest Knowledge of Nutrition: Wise Burroughs, DES, and Modern Meat, by Marcus, Alan I. 1993.

More DES DiEthylStilbestrol resources
* DES studies on cancer, breast cancer, CCAC, vaginal cancer, screening.
* DES studies on fertility, gender identity, pregnancy.
* DES studies on in-utero exposure to DES and DES side-effects.
* DES articles on lawsuits and various studies.
* Our posts tagged DES, the DES-exposed and DES victims.
* Watch DES videos, read more about DES Daughters and DES Sons.

By DES Daughter on 2014-08-28 19:25:17

Resveratrol and Cancer: Certain studies indicate that the compound has the ability to battle cancer at all three steps of the cancer process: initiation, promotion, and progression. In one laboratory study, it caused cancer cells to die off in the early stages of the cancer process-and this effect seemed to be independent of its antioxidant properties.  Other studies indicate a preventative effect against cytokines, chemotherapeutic agents and gamma-radiation.  Another laboratory study showed that it inhibits migration and adhesion of ovarian cancer cells. A study at the University of Alabama showed that mice fed Resveratrol had an 87% lower risk of developing prostate cancer than did the mice not receiving it. Still another study showed that female mice given the compound had a sizeable reduction in the risk of breast cancers and tumors. Studies have demonstrated that it also inhibits melanoma, liver cancer, brain cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, colon cancer, cervical cancer, stomach cancer, thyroid cancer, lymphoma, and even leukemia. It also has a strong ability to block metastasis of other cancers to the bone. 

Here’s a quote from “You Don’t Have To Be Afraid of Cancer Anymore” by Bill Sardi, quoted in “Natural News”: 

“Virtually every pathway for tumor growth and propagation is blocked by Resveratrol. Researchers . . . have developed a consensus that . . . [it] cannot only counteract tumor initiation but can inhibit tumor cell survival.  [It] . . . also has the ability to induce cancer cells, but not normal cells, to die off.” 

Resveratrol as Anti-inflammatory Agent: Preliminary research results demonstrate that it has strong anti-inflammatory properties. This seems potentially very important, since inflammation is increasingly seen as the real culprit in heart disease. Inflammation, of course, is very detrimental to the body in brain or spinal cord injuries. A very recent study suggests that it might be helpful in treating asthma, due to its anti-inflammatory effects. This could be particularly useful, since the mechanism of action is different than that of the glucocorticosteroids traditionally used in asthma, but which are ineffective in some people and cause undesirable side effects in some. The investigators also felt that it might be useful in treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 

A Neuroprotective Agent: New research has shed light on some of its neuroprotective attributes. After serious brain injuries, It has been shown to vastly improve the ability of the brain to recover.  Further, it is believed that due to its activation of the SIRT1 longevity gene, it promotes neuronal survival in the brain and that it may be a practical agent in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. 

An Anti-Fungal, Anti-Viral and Antibiotic Agent: Because plants produce it in response to stress from invading fungi, Resveratrol is anti-fungal in nature and has shown to inhibit the growth of both mold and fungus. Research has also shown that it also has antiviral properties; studies have revealed that it inhibits the growth of viruses such as herpes and influenza. It has also been shown to improve the potency of certain antiretroviral drugs used against HIV. 

Endurance: The fact that it increases endurance, and enables subjects to run and swim faster has been amply demonstrated. In addition, increased mental focus for a longer period has been demonstrated.

What About Toxicity and Side Effects?

Mice given huge dosages, the equivalent of hundreds of glasses of red wine at a time, showed no evidence of any harm.

There have been some reports of insomnia, achy joints, diarrhea, and stomach pain after large overdoses, but that would be difficult to do accidentally. See the next section.

What’s the Right Dosage?

Dr. David Sinclair, who did the Harvard studies on Resveratrol, believes that between 10 and 100 glasses of red wine daily would provide the amount necessary for a human to obtain the benefits described above. The average 5 oz. glass of red wine contains between .30 and 1.07 mg., according to one authority. Using an approximate midpoint figure of .70 mg, Dr. Sinclair’s figures would suggest a daily dosage of between 7 and 70 mg.

Others have suggested that a higher dosage is warranted because the compound in supplement form isn’t well-absorbed by the body, and that somewhere between 250 and 750 mg. per day would be appropriate. As always, you have to read the label. There are two forms: “trans-” and “cis-“. The “cis” form is of no value to the body, so you need to be sure that you’re getting the “trans” form. If the label doesn’t make it clear, you can pretty much assume that you’re not getting the full dosage of the proper form. 

Extrapolating from the mouse studies, which found that the optimum dosage was between 400 and 1000 mg. per kilogram, a person weighing 154 pounds would have no negative effects from up to 70,000 mg. of Resveratrol per day. (A bottle of 100 200mg. capsules would contain 20,000 mg.) 

Nobody is suggesting anything like that large a dosage, but some people report taking 2000 mg per day, with great benefits-more energy, better sleep, more endurance, etc. 

To sum up: A lot of researchers believe that Resveratrol will change the practice of medicine. It provides a number of benefits, and seems to have no downside.

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