Teeth whitening home remedies


You can grab attractive smile now easily. You just want to follow certain simple home remedies to enhance the beauty of your smile. Natural teeth whitening involve mixing of certain simple home remedies, which is effective and safe. Natural remedies help in making your teeth brighter. Benefit of using natural teeth whitening remedies are that they help in lightening the color of your teeth without any harmful side effects.

Certain simple and common home remedies for whitening your teeth are given below:

Fruits like strawberries and lemon are very effectual in removing the stains in your teeth. You can just rub this fruit on your teeth to make it brighter. This is completely natural and provides good results from the first day itself. After rubbing this fruit on your teeth, you can just keep it for few minutes and then rinse it off with the help of a brush.
Wood ash is yet another natural substance that helps ion whitening your teeth. This is very simple to use and easy to get. You guys will not believe. This is very helpful in re moving the stains from your teeth. Every type of tooth staining is removed completely after using wood ash. This helps in removing the discoloration of your teeth naturally. This aids in complete removal of the plague from your teeth. This maintains complete oral health and hygiene. The only thing that you nee to take care while using this substance to clean the stains are that you should brush softly. Else the enamel of your teeth will get completely destroyed.
You can also practice the technique of rubbing your teeth with common salt. This helps in removing the stains from your teeth completely. Just crush the rock salt into powder r and rub it on your teeth to preserve oral hygiene. Make sure that you will only do this once in a week, else this will remove the complete enamel from your teeth and destroy your oral health.
Smoking is a bad habit that not only harms your health but also destroys your oral hygiene. Try to shun this habit inclusively to get rid of all kinds of oral problems.
Coffee and tea are yet other causes of tooth staining. Limit the intake of these beverages to preserve your oral hygiene and health.

Tooth Whitening Pen

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