The Importance of Exercise – More Than Just Weight Loss For Vanity


If you wanted a miracle pill, THIS IS IT, EXERCISE and WEIGHT LOSS.

It’s called Exercise and in addition to weight loss, this is what it can do for you:

• Prevent cancer!
Research has shown that exercise can reduce your risk of colon cancer by increasing the movement of food through the GI TRACT. This rapidly removes harmful carcinogens. Promising new data also shows that exercise can also reduce your risk of getting breast cancer, cervical cancer in females and prostate cancer in males

• Cures Diabetes!
Exercise aimed at weight loss helps to lower your blood sugar levels and is now prescribed by MD’s as an effective cure to Type II diabetes. It is possible to reverse the effects of diabetes and never have to depend on a needle again.

• Stops Depression!
In a scientific study of clinically depressed females, subjects who exercised “had reliably greater increases in aerobic capacity and reliably greater decreases in depression” than did the other test subjects. Researchers concluded that their findings gave clear evidence that “participation in a program of aerobic exercise is effective for reducing depression.”

• Prevents Osteoporosis!
Women who take part in routine weight training exercise can decrease the symptoms of osteoporosis, a degenerative bone disorder that affects many elderly women.

• Improves your Sleep Quality!
Have you ever slept for eight or more hours and were still exhausted the next day? Exercise helps to improve your sleep quality so you will actually require less sleep and feel more re-energized the next day! The reason? Deeper sleep! Weight loss also reduces snoring as well.

• Helps you quit smoking!
This quote is from the researchers: ” Research from the University of Exeter reveals for the first time, that changes in brain activity, triggered by physical exercise, may help reduce cigarette cravings…the study shows how exercise changes the way the brain processes information among smokers, thereby reducing their cravings for nicotine.” – Janse Van Rensburg et. al. Acute exercise modulates cigarette cravings and brain activation in response to smoking-related images: an fMRI study (Psychopharmacology, 2008; DOI: 10.1007/s00213-008-1405-3).

Making exercise and part of your lifestyle can drastically improve your quality of life and add years to your life as well. It doesn’t matter how long you are alive, what matters is how many years you “LIVE”.

Exercise, Lose excess weight and feel great for years to come.

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