The Morning After – Having Lunch With The Ladies


Today, I had a ‘networking’ lunch with three colleagues at Negril Chelsea in Manhattan: NYPD detective (John Jay College trained M.A. in Criminal Justice; African-American female); a college professor (Columbia University trained Ph.D. in Sociology; Caucasian-American female) and a high school principal (NYU trained M.A. in Mathematics Education; Hispanic-American female).

They critiqued my past essays: lauding my writing style and skillfully argued (except for the principal) why Hillary should be the next U.S. President. In turn, I argued (I’m not totally sold on his candidacy but I preferred him over Hillary and McCain) why Obama should be the next U.S. President. In the end, we agreed to disagree…. Nonetheless, we had an enjoyable meal – Jamaican cuisine.

Karl: “Who did you vote for?”

Detective: “Yesterday, I struggled with my vote. I wanted to vote for Hillary but I voted for Obama, at the last minute. Now, I regretted my vote.”

Karl: “Why?”

Detective: “I think my vote was wasted. I believe Republican operatives are hyping

Obama because he’s more beatable than Hillary in the General Election. Bluntly, I don’t think White America is ready for a Black President. Like in New Hampshire, they won’t vote for him. In Hillary, she will be able to overcome sexism with Bill’s help. Frankly, I like Hillary.”

Professor: “I have to agree with [the detective]. I think we might have another Dinkins on our hands if Obama should win the General Election. I don’t think they would ‘keep him in the loop.’ Colin Powell is the perfect example. Did you notice his treatment by the Washington establishment? They mistreated a great man as if he was ‘a lightweight.’ That being said, I voted for Hillary. However, I would support Obama if he should be nominated….”

Principal: “Well, I am not a fan of Hillary despite the conventional wisdom that Hispanics lean toward her. I was struggling between Obama and McCain.”

Karl: “McCain?”

Principal: “Yes, I’m an independent. I figured if he’s hated by Rush Limbaugh and the other ‘right wing nuts,’ then he must be doing something right. However, I switched my vote to McCain after I was unable to vote for Obama because of the malfunctioned voting machine. Actually, I think the machine was rigged against Obama voters.”

Karl: “Did you ask for help?”

Principal: “My son unsuccessfully tried to help me but I had to return to work for a meeting.”

Karl: “Where did you vote?”

Principal: “I voted in Fresh Meadows, Queens.”

Professor: “Karl, who did you vote for? Let me guess – Obama?”

Karl: “Yes, you’re correct and I understand your viewpoints. Howbeit, I think you should join me in ordering some Kool-Aid – the Obama Kool-Aid. I want to make you – fervent and fanatic believers in the legend of Obama. I’m just kidding! I’ll order a Virgin Pina Colada.”

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