The Yes Movie

.tags The YES Movie by Louis Lautman is a collection of interviews of dozens of young Millionaires and well-seasoned mentors, holding their feet to the fire and digging deep for insider answers on how to start AND sustain a successful business.

These young millionaires and seasoned mentors revealed 30-plus years worth of strategies, tools, secrets and insights to successful entrepreneurship. In fact all of the millionaires that have been interviewed had dozens of strategies in common… which to me is irrefutable evidence that like the old adage says success leaves traces!

The best part… Every single business strategy they revealed was caught on film for what would become the be-all, tell-all movie of the century!

Let me introduce you to some of The YES Movie Cast: Dan PunkASSCaldwell (Co-Founder of TapouT, Les Brown (Best Selling Author and Award Winning Speaker), T. Harv Eker (Founder of Peak Potentials, Speaker and Best Selling Author), Bob Proctor (Speaker, Author and Teacher), Delatorro McNeal II (Speaker, Author, Coach and Successful Entrepreneur), and MANY MORE!

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Besides The YES Movie, they are also giving away bonus gifts — gifts that, in my opinion, are also essential in helping you achieve your success.

The main goal of The YES Movie is not to make people rich overnight, but rather to teach them how to walk the right path to success by showing how the already successful did it. So, if you are tired of pushing yourself and still think you are nowhere near where you want to be, this is the perfect movie for you. Youll be inspired into action after seeing and hearing the success strategies revealed by these young entrepreneurs.

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