Treatments For Dog Arthritis


Most people that do not have canines at home know that dogs and cats are highly prone to dog arthritis. How many times have you seen some dog that maneuvers as if its joints are not quite functioning right? This is specifically true of advanced aged and/or overweight canines that are largely inactive physically. Sound familiar? It may, because this is just the sort of life that brings on arthritis in humans, too. These days, we call arthritis a lifestyle disease with reason.

Happens to all of us
Actually, arthritis in dogs is much alike to arthritis in people, because it is a degenerative disease that creates hardening of the joints and muscles. And as in humans, arthritis with canines is fairly usual because joints will, in the normal course of things, suffer quite a bit of deterioration. And also as in people, arthritis – most usually osteoarthritis – in dogs can be an immensely painful condition which, left untreated, causes great distress.

Age factor
And the worst thing is that dog arthritis can afflict dogs of any age. Obviously, the more aged the dog, the more chances that it will get arthritis, but arthritis affects younger dogs too. And if a puppy or young dog has suffered an accident, this increases the chances of developing dog arthritis early. And then there are infections and diseases that can bring on arthritis, such as the disease known as hip dysplasia, which is a usual symptom of limping in dogs, and which may result in arthritis in later years.

First steps
Naturally, at the first signs of movement difficulty you should take your dog to a vet. Getting the right treatment is essential as dog arthritis is not 100% curable, but, given the right kind of dog arthritis treatment, it can be kept in check.

Of course, one of the most effective ways to combat dog arthritis is to give your dog plenty of exercise, which may sound paradoxical since exercise will cause increased joint movement, but is actually of great help. That is because the exercises are not meant to be vigorous physical workouts, which will no doubt worsen the condition, but perhaps a steady walk, which releases lubricating fluids for the joints and aid their smooth movement.

See it coming
There are also, of course, over-the-counter medicines that can at least help alleviate the pain of dog arthritis, though as we have already said, there is no permanent cure. But these treatments are assuredly prescribed by the vet. And a vet is also your best chance for helping the onset of canine arthritis, which really are the best ways to treat dog arthritis. So, let’s say that dogs have an average life span of 14 years, if your pet is approaching 10, you should know that it’s time to ask your vet about ways to keep your dog healthy so that dog arthritis does not strike.

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