Twitter Marketing

By _SoFie on 2013-03-27 18:32:37

Twitter taps into the power of social networks using a tool called “micro-blogging.” Although an impressive word, as impressive, perhaps, as “nano-seconds”, all it means is that you share information within 140 characters. So instead of long blog posts, you issue short updates. These updates can be anything: random thoughts, relevant comments, or recommendations. What’s more these one-liners are compatible with portable technology like mobile phones, which means that more people are likely to receive your broadcasts.

Although you can think of Twitter as a quick blog, an instant messaging system, a chat room window, or an open forum, its real genius lies in its brevity and ubiquity. Your messages, confined to 10 characters, have to be sharp and clear, with no room for verbosity or obfuscation. Since these messages are received from a variety of electronic and computing devices, they are easier to spread across numerous social networks.

Ironically, despite all these benefits, people underestimate the value of Twitter marketing. They don’t realize the speed with which their message can be spread across multiple social networks. A valuable Twitter message does not only go out to single users social networks, but they may be copied and posted by followers to other social networks. In other words, a high value message, like a useful link for example, can quickly go viral.

With all the power of Twitter marketing at your fingertips, here are three strategies to benefit from your access to a variety of social networks.

Twitter Marketing Strategy #1: Broadcast your company’s latest innovation.

If you are the CEO of a company, Twitter marketing is an ideal way to keep your target audience informed about your latest product breakthroughs and innovations. For example, if you were the CEO of Starbucks Coffee, you could send out a tweet about a new coffee blend for the coming season. This announcement would tempt coffee aficionados to try out the new brew. In less than a minute, the time it took you to write and send the tweet, your company could earn six figures.

Twitter Marketing Strategy #2: Mingle with the rich and famous

While it may be hard to communicate with influential people in your industry by calling them on the phone or sending them a letter or an email, it is remarkably easy when you simply become a Twitter follower. Since the Twitter etiquette obligates those you follow to follow you back, you can connect with normally elusive people easily.

Twitter Marketing Strategy #3: Stay abreast of breaking news

Simply by subscribing to a certain group, organization, or individual who has information you consider highly relevant, you can be instantly updated as to the latest trends, seminars, or news.

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