Uninstall/Remove Personal Security Sentinel – the Best Way to Remove Personal Security Sentinel virus Quickly!


What is Personal Security Sentinel?
Personal Security Sentinel is a rogue antispyware program that spreads on computer systems via Trojan viruses. This is a new variant in false spyware tools. This fake program gets inside user’s system with other malicious downloads. This application reports about imaginary system errors and shows false promotional adverts to solve system problems. This malware program insists users to purchase license key to solve the issue by displaying false pop-up alerts. All alert messages displayed by this application are only a trick to mislead users. You should not follow any message and try to remove Smart HDD from system as early as possible.

Personal Security Sentinel adds several registry values in registry editor to hide itself from being detected. It continues to appear as pop-up adverts and fake security notifications. It tricks the user of infected system to purchase full version of this malevolent program. It also invites additional malware items in infected system. Some malwares are too dangerous that can steal personal information from system. It steals online banking password, user-name, banking account details and sends it to author of the program. It is important to remove Defragmenter from infected computer as early as possible. It can crash your system if stays for long time.

How to Remove Personal Security Sentinel
You can remove it manually but it needs a skilled computer expert because you have to delete the registry values and other process of this fake application. So, remove it carefully by following below cited steps:
1.Stop these Personal Security Sentinel processes.

2.Disable these Personal Security Sentinel DLL files.

3.Remove these Personal Security Sentinel Registry Entries.
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerDownload “RunInvalidSignatures” = ‘1?
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings “ProxyServer” = “http=
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun “Personal Security Sentinel”

4.Remove these Personal Security Sentinel files.
Under windows XP, Personal Security Sentinel might infect All Users account instead of single user.
%AppData%95aQuarantine Items
%AppData%MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchPersonal Security Sentinel.lnk
%AppData%Personal Security Sentinel
%AppData%Personal Security Sentinelcookies.sqlite
%UserProfile%DesktopPersonal Security Sentinel.lnk
%UserProfile%Start MenuPersonal Security Sentinel.lnk
%UserProfile%Start MenuProgramsPersonal Security Sentinel.lnk

A highly recommended tool to remove Personal Security Sentinel is RegistryQuick which is available for free at http://www.FIX-ERRPRS-ONLINE.INFO Before you try other programs, give RegistryQuick a try! You will be surprised!For more information Please Visit http://www.FIX-ERRPRS-ONLINE.INFO.

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