Why Article Marketing is Excellent


I bet you’ve already probably learned a lot about the art of article marketing when it is used for obtaining links for acquiring an improved placement in the SERP’s results. Right?

Some people, including marketers will warn you that without article marketing, increased traffic and therefore more hits would be impossible to gather up and convert into a tidy profit – I agree!

The great benefits that such article marketing brings, include profit, cash and readers and of course this means a happy you. If money is your thing.

This should be a great situation am I right?

Actually it might even sound a bit naff, but as lame as it may seem, there doesn’t exist a better way to market your cause, anywhere than the fantastic (yes fantastic) art that is article marketing.

If what you’re hearing sounds very much like something you have been told before then, you are extremely correct, because yes, though you may have been told this information about article marketing, let me assure you that I aim to show you the big asset that it really is.

In fact thinb about this:

If you gained 50 links per day from writing 25 articles – That’s over 18,000 links per year – Can you make money with that?

It really doesn’t matter how strictly I try to hit home the advantages the should be gotten from this, someone will always refute the benefits that article submissions can let us gain, because they are selling some new trashy product that promises this and that, but fails to deliver – Take the bull by the horns and do it yourself.

If you’re going to ask my opinion then I would say that unequivocally, without a doubt the single most important factor in link building and thus profiting from your work as an online marketer, is how many articles you have online.

Your name and your brand become more resonant and much more authoritative when you have 2000 articles out there rather than twenty or so. The back links certainly are pretty useful as well.

My challenge to anyone wanting to make money online is to write 25 articles per day an submit them to EzineArticles.com and a few top directories. By the end of just one year you’ll most likely have 20,000 links to your blog of choice and receive at least 2000 hits per day.


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