How to Choose the Perfect Netbook For Your Lifestyle


If you are shopping for a netbook and you aren’t sure what type you want to pick out, I’ll be happy to guide you through a selection process that will help you to get the netbook of your dreams. I am a recent netbook convert, and you will not believe just how much I get done with this little 2.5 pound piece of technology. I have to say that it blows my mind still.

Anyway, let’s get down to business. What purpose are you going to be using your laptop for? Is it for school, for business, for travel, or personal use? Although netbooks were originally intended to be just what the name implies, a notebook made for surfing the net, advances in processor and board technology have made them a force in their own right.

If you just want a machine to surf the internet on, then every netbook out there is going to do the trick for you. You can easily stay around the $ 200 range and get exactly what you’d like. A good starting point would be the Asus EEE series, or if you’re looking for something a little more powerful the HP Mini’s work out well.

For business, you’re going to want to go to the top end of the netbook price range. You’re looking at around $ 400, but this gets you a powerful little system that weighs less than 3 pounds. You’ll want to go with an Intel Atom processor, the higher the better, along with a SSD drive and as much ram as you can go for. Most systems top out at around 2 gigs of ram.

For students, the basic netbook is an affordable way to have a system that will not only help you take notes in class without getting in the way, it will also keep you connected to your friends via social networking. Add that along with an always on hand internet browser and email, and you’re set.

For travel, nothing beats the 7 and 8 inch netbooks. These babies are so little and light that you can slip them into your tote or even a purse, and you can take it around with you everywhere. This is handy if you need tips on where to go out to eat, or even what to do while on vacation or traveling. It also beats lugging around a 15 or 17 inch laptop around, and you don’t even need a special bag for it.

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